A $1 Trillion Answer, by Joseph E. Stiglitz, Commentary, NY Times
What President-elect Barack Obama will need to do is horribly complicated but also very clear.
First, he must stop the economy from going deeper into recession. Then he needs to bring about a robust recovery, preferably in ways that support the long-term needs of the United States: by repairing our neglected public works, invigorating our technological leadership, making our society greener, fixing our health care problems, healing our social and economic divide, and restoring our social compact.
It will not be easy. President Bush’s legacy of debt and the opposition of those who benefit from the status quo present major obstacles.
There is an emerging consensus among economists that a big — very big — stimulus is needed, at least $600 billion to $1 trillion over two years. Mr. Obama’s announced goal of 2.5 million new jobs by 2011 is too modest. In the next two years, almost four million workers will enter the labor force — or would if there were jobs. Combined with the loss of employment this year, that means we should be striving to create more than five million jobs.
via Mark Thoma