How to believe

New to me: How to believe is a series in the Guardian (“Join our experts as they blog great works of religion and philosophy”). Here’s a summary of the topics so far (follow the link for more detail); looks good to me. Next up: Giles Fraser on Wittgenstein.

How to believe

Franklin Lewis: Rumi’s influence has long been felt throughout the Muslim world. Will his recent success in the west prove as long lasting?

Paul Helm: Calvin’s influence is still being felt today. But the reformer was a complex man, with a dark side.

Mark Vernon: Plato increasingly looks not just like a generator of footnotes, but a philosopher whose time is coming again.

Simon Critchley: The most important continental philosopher of the last century was also a Nazi. How did he get there? What can we learn from him?

Mary Midgley: How to believe: Thomas Hobbes invented, in Leviathan, the modern idea of the individual. It has been hugely politically liberating. But is it realistic?

Julian Baggini: The most pressing and telling critiques of religion not only cannot, but should not, attempt to deliver any fatal blows.

Jane Williams: Acts tells the story of a disparate group of men who, against the odds, came to spearhead an international movement.

Giles Fraser: Nietzsche thought religion in general, and Christianity in particular, was a corruption of the human spirit.

via Andrew Brown

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